
QuitMormon.com is a service provided free of charge by a lawyer. They liaise directly with the church's lawyers to remove your records.

Details of how this process works are available on their website. You create an account and are kept informed of where your resignation is at in the process. You will need to submit a notarized signed letter as part of the process.

The QuitMormon team provides an efficient service, however the church's lawyers sometimes experience delays in processing requests through this service. Some users receive confirmation within a few weeks, others wait several months.

Updated Advice December 2022: QuitMormon's change in notifications

Some individuals using QuitMormon are noticing that their details still appear on the local ward list after QuitMormon emails them to tell them their resignation is complete. This is NOT a result of the resignation failing or the church refusing to process it. The following is from QuitMormon's FAQs:

"Our resignation form states that we will consider your resignation accepted automatically if we do not hear back from the church within a reasonable time period. Due to a lack of timely response from the church's law firm, we may automatically update your resignation to 'confirmed' even if we have not heard back from them.

"We believe this is reasonable, because technically your membership ends as soon as your notarized document is submitted to church headquarters, but this still allows some time for them to notify us if they cannot find the record, or decide to reject it (usually due to missing information, like signatures or notary stamps)."

What should I do if QuitMormon says my resignation is complete but I still show up on the ward list?

If QuitMormon tells you that your resignation is confirmed but your records are still on the ward list, you have the following options:
1. Wait - anecdotally, resignations are being processed by the church 2-8 weeks after QuitMormon's confirmation emails
2. Contact the QuitMormon team and ask them to follow up, or to confirm whether your 'resignation complete' email was automated or based on the church saying they had completed your resignation
3. Try another resignation option - our first recommendation would be to email the scan/photograph of your notarized QuitMormon letter direct to church HQ with a brief cover letter email complaining that the church has not yet acted on your attorney's instructions and you are re-sending the letter to request it be actioned immediately.